I slunk home early today, hoping to avoid the guy who's got something to say about everyone by taking a different bus. One of the guys at work knew who I meant when I described it this morning.
I don't know why I fret about it. It isn't as though I am physically intimidated - at six foot three, and with Canadian standards for gun control, I don't often have to worry about such things. :-) But I hate confrontation, I hate having to face people I have embarassed myself in front of. Ah well.
After dinner, we went to Vincent Massey park. While my wife figured out the trajectory for a Girl Guide scavenger hunt, my daughter and I went for a walk by the river. When we got to the rapids, we sat on the rock as three green drakes chased a duck around us over and over again. They chased her into the forest, and she tried to sneak out and make a break for the shoreline. Is that the male courtship pattern in all species? Wear her down until she gives out? I wondered.
We wandered back up the hill and over to a podium that had been erected in 1967 for the centennial. We took turns pretending to be rock stars - she introduced "the Rolling Stones!" I sang "Start Me Up" as badly as I could. I introduced "The Backstreet Boys" and she strutted about, miming their dance moves perfectly. Hilarious! We horsed around in the grass, the sun went down in a splendour of rainbow colours, and it occured to me this was the perfect evening.
It will be cold tonight - it is going down to below zero celsius. That makes for nice sleeping weather. During the days it has been summer for the past week. A cool night will cap off this perfect evening quite nicely.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Slunk home early today
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8:21 PM
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You nerdbucket, don't be embarassed. the GUY should be embarassed. Ok, I'm done. The teacher in me just had to say that.
What are the Canadian standards for gun control?
You know, I am all for firearms regulation - if it is effective. And it can be. But what Canada did, I can't figure out.
They set up a huge bureaucracy called the Gun Registry, which turned into one of the biggest failed IT projects in the history of computing... a billion dollar cost, and more than half of Canadian gun owners refused to register. They've had to declare amnesty after amnesty because nobody will sign on.
However, there've always been restrictions that make sense. No handguns at all. No gun show exceptions for background checks. ID required for any purchase, and a license.
The registry boondoggle though - seems more designed to antagonize farmers and rural citizens and create projects for IBM, Accenture or whoever oversees it than to protect anyone... we're mostly happy with the idea of gun control, but very unhappy with how they did it.
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