A.) Five Things You May Not Know About My Time in School
1) My best mark in University was in Logical Reasoning (Philosophy.) My wife doesn't believe me. :-)
2. I belonged to the debating club in university and high school. The university members were a bunch of drunks - worse than engineers!
3. I sneaked away from a field trip and walked to Niagara Falls, NY, once.
4. I was so terrified of fire alarms that my mother had to be called to the school any time there was a fire drill.
5. I was equally terrified by snow plows, which I encountered every day as I walked to school.
B.) Five Things You May Not Know About the Job/s I Have (or Had)
1.) I'm the boss
2.) I've been in it eleven years
3.) I once ran a deli
4.) Now I write software
5.) There is nowhere near my work where I can buy smoked meat!
C.) Five Things You May Not Know About My Online Life:
1) I've wanted to journal for about 5-6 years, but only got around to it last year.
2) I once helped turn in one of the Net's most infamous spammers.
3) My real name is apparent to anyone who's followed a link or two, but I keep it out of this space to prevent Google stalking (I've seen Usenet opponents seek each other out and try and ruin one another in real life, getting each other fired from jobs, etc.)
4) I have at times had to fight off Internet addiction. This was particularly hard in the early days. I've done a lot better in the last few years.
5) I have been online for eleven years.
E.) Five Things You May Not Know About My Home Life:
1) I wake up very early in the morning, every morning
2) I love cooking on my Hamilton Beach grill
3) My wife loves to shoot elastics at me and blame my daughter
4) I used to be able to cross country ski out the back door, and miss it.
5) I have fallen asleep to "Star Wars" a dozen times in the last two months.
F.) Five Things You May Not Know that I Desperately Want:
1.) To be at peace
2.) A mandolin
3.) To get my bass guitar's neck adjustment and intonation done
4.) To travel to Israel, Australia, Rome, and Greece, Paris, London.
5.) To visit all fifty states and ten provinces
G.) Five Things I'm Absolutely Terrified Of:
1.) Spiders
2.) Losing loved ones
3.) Losing keepsakes and valuables
4.) The unknown
5.) Did I mention spiders?
3 Screen Names You Have:
Fred on Bread (the very first I ever used, a decade ago)
3 Things You Like About Yourself:
The ability to feel
The ability to express how I feel
That I've never completely grown up
3 Things You Hate/Dislike About Yourself:
I can be lazy
I can't always concentrate on things, or give them my focus
I am a procrastinator
3 Parts of Your Heritage:
3 Things You're Wearing Right Now:
A shirt
3 New Things You Want to Try in the Next 12 months:
Learn how to play the mandolin
Turning forty
Scuba diving (not really new, but its been a while)
3 Things You Want in Your Relationship:
My wife
Our love
3 Things You Just Can't Do:
Be non-neurotic
Grow up
Stop caring
3 of Your Favorite Hobbies:
Making music
Logging/getting firewood
3 Careers You've Considered (don't include what you do now):
Lawyer (the only 'older than six' consideration here)
3 Places You Want to Go on Vacation:
The Sandbanks
British Columbia
Cape Breton Island
3 Things You Want to do Really Badly Right Now:
Breathe deep, relax, and watch all my troubles evaporate
See Star Wars
Did I mention the Star Wars? :-)
3 Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
Put out another album
Give my daughters away at their weddings
Play with my grandchildren, and watch their grandmother spoil them :-)
Monday, May 16, 2005
Making a list, redux
Posted by
2:09 PM
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Fred on Bread??? Where did that come from?
You know, I have no idea. None at all. I can explain evolver, which is almost as old. But here I was at the IRC threshold, and I couldn't think of anything, and well, out that came. I only used it the once, and switched to evolver immediately after.
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