Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I am a Cheap Drunk

I only seldom drink alcohol. For the most part, I don't even like it, although I am partial to decent white wine, and that horse pee known as Guiness.

But even though I come from a hearty lineage of honest drinkers, I can barely get by even socially drinking. You see, I need only get halfway through one of those Smirnoff Ice coolers, and I am already tipsy, and not far from drunk if I finish it.

I am not sure if I should complain - really, it means I can go to a BYOB party, spend quite little on booze, and get the most out of it. But being male, I can't help but harbour the secret fantasy of drinking Black Jacques Shellaque of the Klondike under the table.

It is never going to happen for me, however. :-)

1 comment:

Lane said...

Consider youself luck my friend. ;-)