Thursday, November 24, 2005

These are a few of my favourite things

This comes from The Ignoble Experiment aka Live Dangerously!

10 Favorites
Favorite Season: I love them all, but summer tops it for me.
Favorite Sport: swimming, skiing
Favorite Time: Sunset
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Actor: Robin Williams
Favorite Actress: Gillian Anderson; even when the X-Files scripts sucked, agent Scully always had a fascinating emotional and intellectual complexity, thanks to the presence Anderson gave her.
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla
Favorite Food: Raspberries, blackberries, green grapes, strawberries
Favorite Drink: Lemonade
Favorite Place: in the water

9 Currents
Current Feeling: melancholy
Current Underwear Color: Ain't nobody's business (to quote Billy Holliday)
Current Windows Open: None, silly.
Current Drink: water
Current Time: 9:06
Current Mobile(s): I lost my phone in the snow last winter. Second time I did it, so I never replaced it.
Current Show on TV: No idea. I imagine Regis is on somewhere. I don't watch anything other than news anymore.
Current Thought: That the TV show thing was a stupid question.
Current Clothes: Green collared button up shirt, black pants, my shoes, which I discovered this morning have holes in the soles.

8 Firsts
First Nickname: The Martian, because in my first public speaking exercise I gave a speech called “The Blue Planet,” which I announced I was from. I guess I was the only kid in the class to understand what allegory was. They called me that for years.
First Kiss: I think it was some girl in Saskatchewan we were playing bulldog with. But I'm not really sure.
First Crush: Not really sure. Infatuations came and went like dandelion fluff when I was a boy.
First Best Friend: Stephane, with whom I was friends from the age of four on.
First Vehicle I drove: My great uncle's Cadillac.
First Job: .I rode an ice cream bike. Some days, I ate all my profits. :-)
First Pet: Samuel Leonard Pussycat.
First Shave: Geez, I dunno. The first time I was tired of looking like Shaggy from Scooby Doo?

7 Lasts
Last Drink: I don't think I've had anything to drink yet. That bottle of water is just sitting there.
Last Kiss: My wife
Last Time I Drove: I drove my bike a couple of days ago.
Last Time Shaved: This morning
Last Web Site Visited: Google
Last Movie Watched: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Last Pill I Had: Lactase

6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: No doubt. They have laws against just about anything. No felonies though. Just fineable stuff, as far as I know.
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Boy, I could tell some stories, but in short – yes. Don't drink much now, though.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Don't think so. Maybe a few aunts' cousins' nephews' former roommates' great aunts at my grandparents fiftieth, but that's not what you meant, is it?
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast: Yes. At an airshow once, I am sure I was no more than a couple of hundred feet away from a huge explosion when some kind of fighter-bomber dropped some sort of incendiary device on a target. You could feel the heat. And I've fired a gun a few times – the last few times, hunting pumpkins in the fall (beats shooting coke bottles anyday.)
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yeah. But not for thrills. We were camping, and I was too lazy to hang laundry.
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: Probably not, but then who can speak for another's heart?

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: industrial equipment, a fan, someone shuffling plastic things. My hands whacking keys on a keyboard. Papers shuffling.
Things on Your Bed: four pillows, a duvet.
Things You Ate Today: Two samosas, an orange, and a bowl of ramen noodles. I know that's only four things, but there has not been anything else.
Things You Can't Live Without: You can actually live without a lot, but who wants to? I can't live without food. You can't live without water. And you can't live without meaning.
Things You Do When You Are Bored: Make music. Sometimes I'll just bask in the boredom – as an archbishop of Canterbury once said when asked his greatest accomplishment, I am proud of learning how to do nothing at all.

4 Places You Have Been Today
Home. Greenboro park. The bus. Here.

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now
A bottle of water. A headset. A USB adapter.

2 Choices
Black or White: Black. Doesn't show when its dirty. :-)
Hot or Cold: Cold. I don't mind the cold, and it can be very peaceful.

1 Thing You want to do before you die

Visit the places I have never been.


Irina Tsukerman said...

Love the cat's name! What did you call him for short?

evolver said...

Sam. :-)