Monday, November 21, 2005

Forgot to make this entry...

(wrote it about a week ago)

For the first time this year – at least, for the first time in such a way that it didn't melt right away – it snowed. The first snow is something I always greet with some ambivalence now. While I enjoy winter's many activities, the first things that occur to me tend to include:

  • The salt will be out soon, and will ruin my shoes

  • The snow is not going to go away for as many as six months

  • Every day will be bright white, but in that dull winterly way that comes from lack of sunlight, for at least another month and a half.

  • Trudging through the dark, making my way too and from overcrowded malls, is a large and looming part of my future.

But Advent is coming. Advent is a season where dim light begins to accrue in the dark, one candle at a time, and reminds me that hope always filters into the world. In the seasons. And in a small helpless child in a manger.

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