Wednesday, March 30, 2005

You know...

Spring is definitely in the air. It is very hot here indoors, until they decide to flip on the air conditioning. I always try and make a mental marker as to how early in the year, how soon after the snow, slush, and mud, I began to complain of the heat. This has to be a record. :-)

Yesterday, I learned that a friend of mine who needs an organ transplant is still in need. The first potential donor probably does not qualify. There are other donors this person can turn to for the immediate future, but the thought came to me, should I do it? I am stunned by the fact that my visceral and first response was, No. How far it is that I have not traveled. Even now, my thought on the matter is still, well I better wait and see what happens with all the immediate family before stepping forward. Many excuses run through my head - what if my family needs that organ at some indeterminate date? What if I need that organ?

I am surprised at how strong my self-preservation response is, even when it only represents an inconvenience. And I am surprised at how weak my generosity has turned out to be, when a problem that cannot be solved by money presents itself. I am surprised by how much self-improvement in this area I still have to do. If the time comes, I must do the right thing, I must. I cannot just leave someone to the next Samaritan to pass by.

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