Tuesday, March 8, 2005


A bunch of people want to go to Tijuana tomorrow. I'm debating this.
The waitress at the restaurant we went to last night said that, unless
we were eighteen years old, this was a very bad idea.

Sab Diego is a very beautiful city, but I've just seen a small section
of it. I've noticed the train crossing signs go down for the Light
Rail system, even when there is no train coming. I guess they run on a
schedule. We've spent a fair bit of time in Gastown when we have time
off, which despite the apparent clean-up and upscaling, still seems
kind of seedy to me at least.

I still begin my day with swimming, and the liturgy of the hours. It
seems like a good discipline to keep while away, since they try and
ply us with so much food, merriment, and activities that don't seem
like 40 days in the desert.

Interestingly, I am finding Californians have an accent that is
completely undistinguishable from the Canadian one. Everywhere else
I've been in the US, there is something different about certain vowel
sounds, even in upstate New York right next to Canada.

Not here. I would not be able to tell the people I've run into are not Canadian.

1 comment:

Irina Tsukerman said...

Maybe they all *are* secret Canadians... It's somewhere in their subconscious, a dark hidden part of their nature, just waiting to spring out! Ooooooooh....