Saturday, December 10, 2005

Something to freak out about...

I went to the doctor for a physical on Thursday, along with my wife and my youngest daughter. She is now over five two. The nurse said, "I know where she gets her height from."

I'm not so sure. When they measured me, I am now only six feet one! How did that happen?! I've lost more than an inch in height!! I think I find this the most distressing part of growing older... let the hair fall out or turn grey, or sprout from nose and ears. But don't take my height away! :-)


Anonymous said...

i am soory to inform you that at this rate in two hundred years you will be a midget. probably with a lot of grey hair. don't worry methusella did something like 900 and nobody mentions anything about his stature.

evolver said...

In two hundred years, I should be happy to be any height at all!