Saturday, April 9, 2005


I am sore. Very sore. I've spent most of the day splitting a pine my brother in law downed. This is a huge, huge tree we're talking about here. I split about two chords of wood. And splitting pine is not like splitting hardwood, such as maple, oak, or birch. This is more like splitting a very dense sponge. It takes a lot of work.

My back, my shoulders, my spine... they're all killing me. I spent time in the hot tub earlier. That helped for a while. But now I am sore again. And I have to do all of this again tomorrow!

I put up a new music site, at It is the same tunes I have over at, but SoundClick gets more people tuning in and listening. I'm hoping to get some of the people there to provide feedback. I am terribly insecure about making music; I just can't judge for myself whether I've done a good job or not...

1 comment:

Irina Tsukerman said...

Wow! I've never split wood before (and hopefully, never will!) Sure doesn't sound like fun... But at least it'll prepare you for the uninhabited island scenario.