Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Flew home tonight from Toronto...

The security when I flew to Toronto this morning was insane. They even scanned my tie clip! (I'm trying to imagine the nefarious uses for a tie clip, but I haven't thought one up yet.)

The flight home tonight was easier. President Bush was having dinner with 700 dignitaries at the Museum of Civilization in Hull, but there was little security to speak of when we went to board our plane in Toronto, even though we were flying to Ottawa.

When our plane landed, it rolled right past Air Force One on the tarmac. What a magnificent looking plane - the most dignified-looking aircraft I have seen. It was all lit up, and looked just like it did in the Harrison Ford movie (well, before the bad stuff happened anyway.)

With my biggest work stuff out of the way, my focus now turns to the Cursillo weekend coming. We have two dozen candidates to turn our attention to, and I know that God will show His love for them this weekend. I hope He lets me be a vessel of His love.

Starting Thursday, I will be living in a convent for a few days. With nuns who don't speak a word of English.

C'est heureux que je sais comment parler français!

The convent is near where I grew up. It is very comforting to look out at a snowy Orleans hill, place of much skiing and tobogganing in my youth, as I try to do God's things. :-)

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