I will not call Pat Robertson "reverend." I think it is fairly clear that any individual advocating assassinations as a foreign policy is primarily concerned with the kingdom of Caesar, and not the Kingdom of God. Nobody in this day and age with a genuine calling to ordained ministry would make such unacceptable and unchristian comments, and then not apologize for them!
I am disappointed in many Christian leaders for their kid glove treatments of Robertson. They'll say his remarks were 'inappropriate' and preface their comments with an admission of how nasty Hugo Chavez is (entirely besides the point.)
Christians are called to a higher standard than John Wayne diplomacy.
You have heard that it was said, 'an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone wants to sue you, and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two." (Matthew 5:38-41)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
What Would Jesus Shoot?
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8:19 AM
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Yeah, he's um...a little...crazy. Unfortunately the only people that say anything are liberals and most members of the religious right don't hear anything they say. He sets such a bad example to the entire world of an Extremism. It also gives a very bad image of Christians to non-Christians.
My friends at work see things like this are like, Christians are crazy. I keep trying to tell them that we aren't all like that. But I don't have the same audience to promote that that Robertson has to promote assassinations.
Sigh. I couldn't agree more. I find myself struggling with faith from time to time because the people who purport to be Christians, who are the self-appointed spokespersons for the cause end up such looneys.
I know it's a gross generalization, but it bothers me. He bothers me. Bah. This is not the Christianity I want to be a part of.
I always see people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberton saying things and I just try to remember that that is God. I always have to remind myself that Christianity isn't about what people think, it's about our relationship with God.
I don't really think anyone's taking Pat Robertson seriously these days. I think he's more of an entertainer/businessman than a religious leader of any kind.
I know this is a little late, but as a "non-Christian", I don't think Christians are crazy (Phillip! Did I really give that impression? You just being you improves my view of Christians). I think some prominent Christians have some issues and even some non-prominent ones. Any intelligent person can see that Christians don't alone Christianity make. But it does suck that it looks bad...even for people like me. I specifically don't want Christians thinking that non-Christians are idiots for thinking that all of Christianity is represented by Pat Robertson.
As far as this post goes I'll just say Pat is human not God. He has faults as we all do.(and no Im not defending his actions) Just stating a fact.
And to mscamille: It is very nice indeed to hear from an open minded non-Christian. I leave you this article to show just how human we Christians are. It's "frank talk about the struggles many Christians are having with pornography."
Great article. It's good to see that there are people who can be open about it and get help to those who need it (as opposed to ignoring/shunning).
mscamille: Im glad you found it informative. All "folks", Christian or not, go through the same issues. How we deal with it is the only difference. Im not as good with words as the man whom hosts this site but I don't mind sayin that if God didn't exist I be dead, forever. If you ever want to talk, Im here.
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