Monday, April 16, 2007

Back into the world

I was the musician at a retreat this weekend, one that lasted from Thursday night until yesterday afternoon. I was on this retreat myself about four years ago, and was a team member this time (I've done that once before too.) This is a very joy filled retreat that likes to say that it takes you up the mountain to the very moment of transfiguration. And it really does - as much as St. Peter can tell you this, I believe I can tell you what a shining Christ looks like.

But they are very careful to tell you that nobody lives up on this mountain. Life is lived in the world, and whenever you experience transfiguration, you have to come down into a world that did not share that experience. Anything that changes your life does not also change the world.

I learned that well enough today when I heard that a rampaging gunman killed 32 people, not more than a day after I was basking in the divine light I spoke of. But I did change. And even if the world did not, I did.

Change starts with me. And it starts with you. Not only can evil be defeated, it already has been. Every time any heart feels and acts in genuine love, evil suffers a mortal blow.

Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not yet come. We have only today. Let us  begin. (Mother Theresa)

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