Thursday, February 16, 2006

Praise and Worship Night

I am trying to start a Praise and Worship "house band" for my church. I love this kind of music - a sort of fusion of gospel and Pop music. And music is already such a spiritual thing in my opinion that spirituality is a natural focus for it. That has something to do, I think, with why so many of the great composers of the Baroque and Renaissance period wrote some strictly religious works.

I used to play in a lot of bars, and it was satisfying making people happy listening to rhythm and blues. But that isn't enough for me anymore. If I am going to move people with music, I'd prefer to do it right in the soul...


Ph said...

Let me know how you get that working...because we've been trying to do the same thing.

Lane said...

Our church has just that sort of group. They participate in every service and it is a joy to worship with their lead. It is the very first part of the service and for me it helps to set me free from my own thoughts and opens my mind to hear the message.

Oh, and btw, we have a new son. Aviel Lane. :)

evolver said...

I had been wondering about that ever since you mentioned K was pregnant! Congratulations to you both. I can imagine how happy you are. :-)