Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Save Nazanin!

 A young woman named Nazanin Fatehi was walking in the park with her niece when three men approached them and attempted to rape them. Defending herself and her niece, Nazanin stabbed one of them in the arm, and the other in the chest, causing the death of the latter man.

legally, she was obliged to defend herself. If she had not, she would have been subject to a hundred lashes under Iranian law. But because she did defend herself, she was sentenced to death by hanging. I kid you not. | Former Miss Canada hoping to save Iranian woman

There is a petition circulating to stop Nazanin's execution. Considering how high a profile Iran is keeping right now, the more people they know are watching them, the more pressure they will feel not to implement such an unjust sentence.

The petition is here.


Irina Tsukerman said...

This is absolutely horrible. Not that I'm completely shocked, having learned about what's happening in Iran from my Middle East classes, but it's still depressing to hear just cruel people can be.

evolver said...

I agree with you, Irina. But it is reassuring to know that so many people are helping the other Nazanin do something about it!