Monday, January 8, 2007

Health care

This is an interesting bit of news - California is becoming the second state to ensure universal health care coverage. This parallels in some ways how universal health care first spread in Canada - it was in provinces (Saskatchewan most most notably) that universal health care first appeared.

Although the US is a very different country, and I am not sure our style of care could ever work down there, some are starting to notice that a single public insurance system has competitive benefits so pronounced that it is actually shutting down one of the USA's most important industries. The automotive industry is slowly but surely shifting out of Michigan and into neighbouring Ontario - and why? Because the cash strapped car companies do not have to provide costly health care coverage to a single employee north of the border. It saves them a pile of money on precious labour costs.

knobboy: It Ain't Free discusses this very factor.

However, the move in California to ensure universal coverage is an important step not just for the left coast, but the entire country. I guess Arnold Shwarzenegger took that skiing accident seriously! :-)

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