Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Long time

I know I haven't posted in a long time. Holy Week is a killer, if you are a church volunteer. I'll have to be brief, too.

My brother in law is a grandfather - my niece had her baby. He phoned me to tell me from the West Coast. It was a difficult labour, but everyone is fine - the baby is a girl, unnamed as of yet. While he was on the phone with me, a Tim Horton's burned down across the street from him. Fire trucks came rushing over.

We're still waiting. Thursday is the official due date - which if course is Holy Thursday, our big event. I hope the baby - much as I'm excited - comes next week. Too much adventure to pack all into one week.

In case, I'm not back, wishing Irina a happy Passover - since that comes Thursday too! Happy Easter too, for those of you who mark that holiday.

1 comment:

Irina Tsukerman said...


And Happy Easter, in case you're not back! : )