Thursday, November 22, 2007

So, anyway....

...not that it's really safe for me to talk about my personal life here, anymore, lest it become someone else's personal life as well.... but I'm not going to be scared off my own blog. Dammit, my sister-in-law's passing, becoming a grandfather... all the songs I wrote, like "Finish the Kitchen" and "If Nothing Else"... that all happened to me, and I'm taking it back.

So anyway, what's going on in my world? My daughter is moving out, or rather, she's moving home. We're happy she's ditching the unhappy situation she's in. But my wife and I have some misgivings about this, of course. The elder daughter does have a habit of finding ways to get you stuck with the baby while she goes off to do her thing. That's not going to work for my wife and I, as our careers are both taking off. I'm flying to Toronto once a week on top of being short handed, and that is really draining. My wife is working 50-60 hours a week trying to keep her staffing situation together; being in management during an economic boom means lots of staffing shortages.

So becoming proxy parents is just not possible for us right now. We're going to have to draw lines with my daughter to make sure she knows she can't do that to us.

She's also addicted to WarCraft, and will have designs on our Internet access.... to that I say, no way. My younger daughter and I do a lot of our socializing and networking online, and we should not have to give up the access levels we've gotten used to, particularly not with how much my daughter plays.

My stand on it is this: glad you're getting out, but I'm the grandpa, not the Dad. I've done this all already, and I'm not willing to do it all over again - not full time like a father has to. I like my life and the freedoms that have crept into that life with age, and I don't feel I have to let them be disrupted. That may sound selfish, but it is also not in a way; my daughter needs to learn that this is her life now, she's an adult, and we can't carry her now.

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