Wednesday, August 4, 2004

My daughter is wearing Marx glasses

No, not Karl Marx - the Marx brothers. She looks like a goof. I put my reading glasses on her just a few moments ago to see what she'd look like. She looks surprisingly like my wife. We just came back from the Royal Buffet at Bank and Hunt Club - in the summer, neither my wife nor I like to cook. We don't have air conditioning, and a hot kitchen is just no fun.

Going to a buffet actually seems like the most sensible thing you can do for family harmony at dinner. If you drag children, you don't have to nag them to eat whatever it is you made that offends their palate. And you don't have to take offense when they refuse. It is perhaps not the height of culinary sophistication, but I long ago gave up the notion that I am more gourmet than gourmand. :-)

Yes, I am consciously interupting the sermon blog entries with a dose of my life. It may only be my opinion, but an online journal is more interesting if the writer's life makes it onto the page somewhat...

I discovered that I am still the number one gospel artist on - it may be a marginal artist category, but I've been in the number one or two slots consistently now for nearly half a year. I was surprised to find that this was still so, because I haven't updated my site with any music in months. I have to get back to that - my wife says I am at my happiest when I am actively making music.

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