I submit to you, not very.
Human beings do distinguish themselves from other animals with language. But are those possessed of soaring rhetoric any better off? I know there are many people history commends for their ability to speak well; but in fact, a close examination of these people usually demonstrates that their actions, backed up by their words, are what really make them.
Take Churchill: an orator of such superb skill that even Dubya Bush tries to hearken to him. Sir Winston certainly knew what to say and when to say it, but his actions in sending the British army to fight Mussolini after barely surviving the Battle of Britain showed that what raged inside his chest was the heart of a lion.
I know so many people who distinguish themselves by volunteering, by being engaged parents, or by being good listeners. (My wife is an excellent listener!) I would even be so bold as to suggest that those who can listen possess a rarer skill than those who can speak!
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
How important is it to be articulate?
Posted by
8:14 AM
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